Freedom At Last
Freedom At Last
A matter of Time (3)
Before even checking the suitability of time let's first check from where did time origin. where is the second defined and when we actually started talking about time. Time came into picture when man wanted understand the implication of movements and changes.. The interesting question posed by sudarshan is whether time is relative or obsolute... Well my opinion on this is time intervals are absolute but time is relative..... Then next question will what happens if we cross speed of light... the honest answer i have we won't know bcos we don't visualise beyond the speed of light. bcos we see things at the speed of light..there could be objects passing right besides us passing faster than speed of light .... If light is relative then time intervals are absolute then how come if we travel at the speed we can move back in time.... The whole point is nobody tried it... If we travel beyond the speed of light the system cordinates based on which we measure it will change. we are measuring the static part of a dynamic universe. your theories will hold good if you are static.. but you start acting as dynamic as the universe then there is possibility that you can visualise the dynamic co ordinates of the system ( Not the 3D system, but the system for which we are trying to find the dimensions) ... this is more like we are staying at one place and seeing a moving vehicle we see it moving faster but if we move as fast as the other guy then we see he is static with respect to our coordinates.... and we get different picture.. This is a naive example but when we deal with universe the possible dimension is beyond what is possible to be mensioned in 3D.. the other dimensions are not visualisable to in the 3D space.... So time can it be a single dimension or time along with some other things be called as a dimension..... anyways i will update my thoughts as get it.....
Rampi, you have made me think a lot about time for the past two days..As far as my undersatding of relativity is concerned, we can only travel into the future..We can only travel to the time from which we have started travelling at the speed of light if we we dont consider paralle universe.
Although time is relative when we are observing in two system, when there is interjection of two time systems we need to align to one of them to start interpreting events.
Heavy stuff man...You have not changed, have you ??
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